Imágenes y contra-imágenes: usos de la fotografía en las prácticas artísticas contemporáneas

MINECO (Ref. Projecte HAR2014-55271-P)
català | castellano

These three conceptual exposed below define the areas of action and the essential aims of this project and its expected results. This project aims to research a central aspect of the recent mutations in artistic and museum practices, visual culture and art theory and historiography, mainly in the two last decades. In addition, the new project develops an area of work related to the previous three R&D projects of the research group.
The conceptual framework of the investigation concerns, firstly, the recurrence in the field of theoretical arguments of the photographic image as a medium with special significance to operate new models of artistic practices rooted in the contextual reality. Accordingly, the uses of photography in the artistic practices in the last fifty years have helped to the reopening of some specific artistic issues, like the link to the concepts of body and identity, memories and history, the public sphere and politics, among many other. Secondly, this recurrence of the photographic image within artistic practices has changed the status and role of the photographic image in the discussions and museum practices of contemporary art centres, investing it with a hitherto unknown central role. Finally, during the last two decades a mutation has occurred in the field of visual culture and the photographic image owing to the emergence of digital photography and its different uses and practices linked to Internet, smartphones and social networks. Among other phenomena, these uses have resulted in what, on certain contexts, is called post-photography.